Sunday, July 26, 2020

Texas Jack Omohundro

Ned Buntline, Buffalo Bill Cody, Giuseppina Morlacchi, Texas Jack Omohundro
(Wikipedia) John Baker Omohundro (July 26, 1846 – June 28, 1880), also known as "Texas Jack," was a frontier scout, actor, and cowboy.
He was born at Pleasure Hill, near Palmyra, Virginia, to John B. and Catherine Omohundro. In his early teens, he left home, made his way alone to Texas, and became a cowboy.
He was unable to join the Confederate Army in 1861 because of his youth but, in 1864, he enlisted in Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's command as a courier and scout. After the American Civil War, Omohundro resumed his life as a Texas cowboy. Continued

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