Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Darrel Coble

Coble headstone featuring the famous 1936 photograph by Arthur Rothstein of the FSA.
 Darrel Coble was the smallest member of the Coble family in the picture posted above. He had every right to be proud. Not only was it a great & famous picture of the Dust Bowl days, it served to point out that not everybody was leaving the Great Plains, many were sticking it out. This at a time when politicians in Washington were considering just giving the whole thing back to the buffalo, or even paving it all over. Believe you me, crazier things happened, back in the '30's.

I like the scenes on the back of stones that show when everything's just right,
those rare moments we all live for,
 the one's that try and explain just why people stuck it out.

And stick it out they did, there are still Coble's in Cimarron County, Oklahoma.

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