Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Las Vegas Saloon Shootout

Hoodoo Brown
(Wikipedia) The Variety Hall shootout, also called the Las Vegas Saloon Shootout, (January 22, 1880) was a gunfight that took place in Las Vegas, New Mexico.
 It launched gunman "Mysterious" Dave Mather to fame. Mather had first ventured to Las Vegas as a part of the Dodge City Gang, which also included gunmen John Joshua Webb and "Arkansas" Dave Rudabaugh. Gambler Doc Holliday was also in town at the time, and though generally listed as a member, he was not. However, he was a friend to the gang.
The gang was organized by Justice of the Peace Hoodoo Brown, to control the gambling houses in Las Vegas, muscling out any unwanted rivals, thus raking in profits. Continued

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