Monday, November 17, 2014

Old House 22 (Dugout)


Dugouts have been used by people worldwide since time began. This particular dugout was built by the Gentry family and now sits at the Muleshoe Heritage Center.
 Says Alice Liles, "A recent addition to the Center is the dugout home donated by the Bundrant family. The dugout came from Goodland in southern Bailey County and was reportedly lived in during the 30s by the Gentry family and later some of  the Bundrants during the 40s."
It's a fine example of a late period dugout, earlier dugouts would have been made of logs instead of cut timber. Dugouts were cheaper to build than a standard house, but just as labor intensive. Dugout living could be messy, with dirt constantly sifting in, but they could also be quite snug, offering insulation from extreme temperatures.
As ranchers prospered or failed, the dugouts were abandoned, leaving very few intact examples for the curious to examine.

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